Cross Country CA to ME- 6/28/14

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Welcome to our Cross Country Trip Journal. This trip spanned approximately 3 weeks from the end of June to the middle of July in 2014. We drove the Earthroamer from Los Gatos California to Raymond Maine where we deposited our children at summer camp. We are Ruth (me the mom), Jason (the dad) Ian and Cyrus (our boys, ages 13 and 11), and  Roscoe (our English Lab).

It is a journal rather than a blog because I am writing this from the notes I took along the way rather than posting it as we went. I am learning to use wordpress, so please feel free to comment, ask questions, and make suggestions!

Saturday 6/28/14 Los Gatos to Pinecrest California

It took until 7:30 pm to leave. We spent the entire day getting ready, even though we thought we were almost ready the day before. Not only were there many last minute things to be done, but so many things had already been done during the weeks leading up to our departure. It was amazing how complicated it was to leave your home behind for a month. The solar panel installation was completed.  There was the cleaning, painting and repairs to make to the old camper before it could be sold. Then there was the selling of it.  We had adjustments we wanted to make to the Earthroamer as well, eating up our time.  In addition, there was the craziness of finishing school and three camping trips. Right about then everything decided to leak. There was a leak in the pool plumbing, a leak in the pool solar panels, and many leaks in the home irrigation! All of it had to be taken care of before we left our house with Michelle our house sitter. After all this we were very ready to leave it behind!

We lumbered out of our driveway, wincing as the top of the Earthroamer clipped the low branches we kept meaning to cut off, but hadn’t yet, and drove until 1:00 am. We stopped for the night on a fire road just east of Pinecrest in the Sierras, off highway 108.